Saturday, August 9, 2008

~The Night Before It All Started~

** I wrote this about two months ago, the night before it all started...

It still feels a little unreal.

Tomorrow, I’m going to start Med School. Do I need to reiterate how excited I am?

In a way, I’ve dreamed of this day for so long. Sort of. The day I would finally start training to become a doctor... I’m finally taking the first step towards the fulfillment of my childhood dream.

I’m actually going to become a doctor.

How great is that???

Tonight, let me just be naïve. Let me be just like a child on the eve of her birthday.

Reality will hit soon enough. I know that there will come a time when waking up in the morning will simply be sheer torture. The time will come when I’ll be swamped with books, pull out an all-nighters, intoxicate myself with chocolate drink (I’m not a coffee person), worry myself to death over patients and procedures, and be humiliated by residents, attendings, nurses and student nurses.

While everyone else I used to know would be getting married, married or are having kids, I’ll be having dinner dates with my books and spend Valentines at the hospital.

And I’ll wonder why I chose to forsake a ludicrous career for one which is as ruthless and thankless as Medicine.

Oh well.

Let tomorrow take care of itself.

For now, I’m a wide-eyed child… awaiting tomorrow’s presents.