Saturday, June 7, 2008

Surfing, Medicine & Jesus

“I’ve come to learn that the thing you fall in love with is the same thing that’s going to beat the living daylights out of you. The journey will hit you hard. You will have to lose it all. You will wonder why you haven’t already given up. You’ll wonder what could possibly be worth the effort.”

A wise young man penned those words. He was talking about surfing. And in a much deeper sense, “regeneration”… losing ourselves to find Life… to find Jesus.

While surfing is one of the parallels of his Christian faith, mine is Medicine. (I have never ever in my life, ridden on a surfboard… even one that’s not floating on water.)

But the essence remains the same.

I’ve come to realize that my Christian life is not in a box separate to that of Medicine. Both are intertwined, each thread woven into each other forming that perfect tapestry which is called my life.

This blog is a chronicle of my journey through Medicine… a journey through my Life.

Written here will be my struggles, my joys, my downfalls and my triumph as I walk in the footsteps of no other than the Healer himself.

I’m not walking into Medicine blindly. I have no glorious illusions of being some sort of demi-god placed in a pedestal, gifted with the healing touch which would cure body and soul. I have no glorious illusions of riches and a life of comfort.

Medicine is ruthless. It can take you to the darkest pit of humanity, cut you off from the things and the people you love, steal from you the best years of your life and drain you of your very essence until you’re left empty, wondering if it’s worth it all.

“But then. That single moment of glory comes. You stand up, and you are alive again. This is the essence of “regeneration”. We lose ourselves for that single glorious moment that confirms there is still hope for us.”